555 Difficult Bible Questions Answered

462. Is Remorse a Discipline?

We should bear remorse until by God's-grace a happier state of mind is produced. You remember that significant record (Mark 14:72) about Peter's denial of Christ: "When he thought thereon he wept" When you rejoice over sin forgiven, and are overcome with wonder and gratitude at God's magnanimity in forgiving you, it is quite natural and proper that you should grieve that you had ever offended a Being so good and kind. The forgiveness should lead you to love God more than others do, and to rejoice in his marvelous goodness and mercy. It should also lead you to be very watchful against relapsing into sin, and to make great exertions to render service to Otoe who has forgiven you. You should also be very tender and charitable toward others. Do not let remorse incapacitate you for labor, but rather operate as an incentive to service.